Dinnerbell Meal Delivery Service

Traditionally, dinner is the one meal that families prioritize gathering together for. Modern life, with all its PTA meetings and book clubs, has made it much harder for the whole family to enjoy a home-cooked meal at the same table. Nextbite hoped to solve this dilemma by creating a meal delivery service concept called Dinnerbell. Dinnerbell provided locally prepared, fully cooked meals for busy families with little time on their hands.


Visual Identity (right)

Dinnerbell’s visual identity was designed to feel nostalgic and comfortable. The logomark is inspired by historic marks found on the bottom of cast iron pans, as is the core color of the entire system. A simple highlighting treatment reminds the viewer of recipe cards, and this rich yellow feels bright and appetizing. The use of eggshell instead of pure white and a linen texture throughout grants the brand a cozy, welcoming feeling. The use of a marker-inspired font as an accent type feels handmade, much like Dinnerbell’s food.


photography + art direction (below)

Photography is where we were really able to communicate the freshness of the food, and its homemade feel. Each meal came with a primary protein, side vegetable, side carbohydrate, and dessert. Showing the meal together in a tablescape did much to communicate that this was an unfussy meal you had in the comfort of your own home, no prep needed.


supporting brand assets

With no physical location, it was important to figure out other ways to physically represent Dinnerbell in the areas it served. This resulted in car magnets for its delivery vehicles, driver uniforms, and branded insulated bags that could be returned and reused. Yard signs were also provided to happy customers willing to advertise.


website (right)

Without a physical location, the website was the defacto place to learn about all things Dinnerbell. Here, users could learn how the service worked, what was on the menu, any partnerships the brand had, read reviews from satisfied customers, and most importantly, place an order.


app store assets (below)

Placing an order on the website took the user to the ordering platform, which became its own app, available for Apple and Android users alike. Here, users could make an account and save their credentials, customizing their deliveries based on their schedules and/or dietary preferences.

Representing the brand well on the app store lent itself to a new challenge; how do we communicate the homemade feel of Dinnerbell, while restricted to a few screens for the app? The solution was to create a seamless homey tablescape, which then featured the app itself. This also provided a unique opportunity for us to feature our photography and its appetite appeal.


Smartphone App Store Assets


Tablet app store assets


field marketing

From its inception, Dinnerbell was focused on creating community. Fostering relationships around the table is what dinner does, and so instead of turning to digital marketing, Dinnerbell sought to foster relationships with customers in a more traditional way. Direct mail, Valpak coupons, and boots-on-the-ground ambassadors sharing pamphlets got the word out. This approach also communicated to customers that Dinnerbell was not just another large anonymous company looking for your business; they were your neighbor wanting to feed your family good food.