Of Note — Spring (and half of Summer) 2021

Ok so it’s summer now, which means I’m pretty behind on this. I started a new job in April and have been focused on that transition, so maintaining my ~ * personal brand * ~ has taken a back seat to that. But! Now that I feel like I’ve got a good grip on my new position and taken some much-needed R&R, I’m ready to jump back in the saddle!

Good Reads

The Truth About Freelancing: 6 Most Common Myths Debunked by Cameron Chapman on dribbble.

Alexis Nikole Is Making #ForagerTikTok Our Favorite Place to Be by Denny on Healthyish.

Why Water is the Most Important Ingredient in your Kitchen on basically.

The graphic designer's guide to decoding client feedback by Cameron Chapman on dribbble.

Burning Out on America...and My “Perfect” Wellness Routine by Rose Truesdale on healthyish.

Molly Baz’s 4-Step Checklist for Saving a Mediocre Meal by Molly Baz on basically.

How to Buy Olive Oil: A Beginner's Guide by Claire Saffitz on basically.

Dream Jobs are a Myth, and More Wisdom from ‘An Ordinary Age’ by Rainesford Stauffer on teenVogue.

What is Nutritional Psychiatry? For Starters, it’s Delicious by Lisa Ruland on healthyish.

All the Camping Kitchen Gear You Need by Alex Beggs on basically.

Worth Watching

Welcome to the Internet - Bo Burnham (From Inside)
I haven’t seen inside yet (because I cancelled my Netflix subscription…) BUT this video makes me both want to watch it AND not watch it. I’ve always been a fan of Bo’s, finding his comedy irreverent, relatable and at times hard to swallow because of how close to home it hits. I had to watch this video twice when it first appeared on my explore page and as someone who is trying to limit their time online, boy, if this wasn’t a suckerpunch to the gut.

The Day the Dinosaurs Died - Minute by Minute - Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell
If you’ve ever been curious just how the dinosaurs died and what might happen to the Earth if it was hit by a meteor… well, watch this beautifully animated video.

Why so Many COVID-19 Varients are Showing Up Now - Vox
We still are in the middle of a pandemic, people. Americans may have convinced themselves that COVID is over, but varients are emerging and some of those variants are worse than the initial strain. Please get vaccinated, wear a mask indoors, and watch this video to stay informed.

I made a flaming bag of gasoline - How to Drink
Remember the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline in May? Doesn’t that feel like it was ages ago? Did you see all the stupid shit people did thinking there would be a gas shortage? Here is a good thing that came out that weird, weird thing. Greg made a cocktail to commemorate the occasion. And yes, he found a cocktail glass that literally looks like a garbage bag. And yes! The cocktail looks like gasoline!

Everything you need to know about Mezcal - How to Drink
More Greg, sorry not sorry. I’ve taken quite a liking to mezcal recently and this video was pretty eye-opening in terms of the different kinds of mezcal that exist and how differently one can taste from the other.

Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climage Change? - Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell
I adminttingly don’t know much about nuclear energy or how its generated, I’m just aware of the fear we have a society towards it. This video makes a great argument why we should revisit it, and discusses some of the advancements made in the field since the 50’s.


I Miss My Bar - A soundscape generator for those who miss the background ambiance of their favorite bar.